
It takes work, but not as much as you think.

If you remember in and it is work but friends, it’s not as much work as you let yourself believe eating healthy is. And you’re right, I don’t have kids and kids do take up a helluva lot of time (#understatementoftheyear) but I know people who prep like this who do have kids, I know people who do even more by making more of their family’s food from scratch. And above all else I know that there is always someone out there just as busy as you getting it done. That’s some real talk a that I have to turn on myself sometimes. Everyone has excuses as why to not do something. I’m just saying it might be time to really look at it and ask yourself if it’s as much as you think it is. SO, here’s what I do:

Sunday 9AM I go to the farmer’s market with my list separated into sections. I have our staple items listed as well as what we need for the 3 casseroles/soups I’ll make that week. 1 breakfast 2 for lunches & sometimes dinners too.

Example typical G-R list: grapes, apples, strawberries, almond butter, coconut milk, nuts, plantain chips, arugula, sweet potatoes, onions, carrot chips, yellow squash, zucchini, ground chicken sausage, 1 chicken breast, 1lb bison or second chicken breast, bacon, eggs.

I get home by 10:15 and start cooking. I make the breakfast casserole and one other. The regular breakfast casserole at the Gilbert-Ross household is this Sweet Potato & Sausage one. Other popular ones: Enchilada Casserole, Caveboy Casserole, Pizza Casserole, Chipotle Chicken Casserole, Crockpot Chicken Curry (I add yellow squash), Crockpot Pork Tenderloin or just zoodles & meat sauce. At this point I either chop extra onions (I do this in the food processor) for the second casserole next week or I get the crockpot ready for the Chicken Curry – I set it to cook overnight. I also hard boil some eggs, by that I mean I put some eggs in a pot of water and turn on the stove. All this takes (including clean up) about 1.5 hours. Later in the week -Wednesdayish- I make the second casserole and we have it for dinner that night and eat it for lunches Thurs/Friday. That’s it. That’s a weeks worth of breakfast & lunches for 2 people. For dinners we’ll often have fish or a protein cooked in the crockpot or have a night out. I will even cook the chicken I need for a casserole recipe in the crockpot-to me it’s the best and-obviously-easiest way to cook meat. Chicken comes out moist and shreds easily.

A typical packed lunch/food for the day for me: 2 apples, 2 hb eggs, casserole, small curry serving (this isn’t always eaten but there if I need more fuel!), carrot chips + almond butter or guacamole, mixed cut fresh fruit.

Is it time consuming-yes if you’re looking just at Sunday but in terms of a whole week, no way josé. Time for some REAL TALK: you have the time, its not that big of a deal, use this as an opportunity to work on your suck it up muscle. Plus, when you start doing it you like it-or at least like the connivence of having it all ready to go all week.

Source: Decatur – Food